Two Big Leaps Forward: JIL Tanjay and Manjuyod CES Launched

"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29  

By: Jamil Publico

It was a bright, sunny day. Cars were speeding down the road, and there were no clouds in sight. "Well, Lord, I know it'll be a long day today and tomorrow," I muttered as I approached the sweating Bro. Ricardo (Ding), who was carrying a large number of plastic bags containing the ingredients for our pancit. "Jam! I forgot the key inside the car," Bro. Ding exclaimed, and my eyes widened as I realized the journey to seize the promised land had only just begun

Tanjay City and Manjuyod Cluster Extension Services were launched on September 18 and 19, 2021, respectively. I had the opportunity to assist in coordinating the two events. 

Tanjay City's CES preparations began early in the afternoon of September 18 at Ate Pedrita's house: cooking the pancit, mixing the refreshment, and doing the decorations. Decorating a blessedly tiny space, with only 3 curtains, 1 tarp, and a few balloons, was difficult. However, God did not let us down, and we were satisfied with the outcome. 

Most of the invitees had already come when the program began. So at 3:00 PM, Bro. Ding stood in front and announced that we would start. It rained fiercely about halfway through, but it didn't affect us at all. From planning to opening prayer to preaching to ushering and closing prayer, the KKBs and few adults experienced what it was like to run a worship service. 

That night, Bro. Ding and I parted ways, both exhausted but glad for the 36 people who attended the service and expectant of what the Lord would do the next day.

The next day, we traveled to Manjuyod. This is my favorite part of doing missions; I get to travel and experience new places. God knows how much I enjoy adventures. Onboard a yellow van with Bro. Ding and Bro. Andrew, it took us more than an hour to arrive at our destination, in the heart of Manjuyod

Almost everything was already set up when we came, mainly through the efforts of Sis. Eliza and Sis. Elma, the Manjuyod contact person, and life group leader. The service began at 3:30 PM with Sis. Elma welcoming everyone, followed by praise and worship led by Bro. Andrew

Seeing new faces made us even more on fire. It also rained around halfway through, as expected, but it didn't stop God's move through Bro. Ding's preaching. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to Sis. Jenelyn Baldado for allowing her home to be used as the event's venue and for providing shelter for the 62 people who attended that day. 

The two CES openings were made much more gratifying when relief goods were handed to families and children through the initiative of JIL Negros Oriental's iCare program. Their thanksgiving to God was evident for the modest blessing. Even though it was little, it filled their hearts. 

Days before the events, I asked Bro. Ding what his vision was for the people of JIL Tanjay and Manjuyod. Like what Ptra. Mardy often said, he told me that he wanted them to serve the Lord in various ways, wherever God would place them. His hope was that the Word he preached to them would grow into a powerful seed that would cause them to be forever sold out to Jesus.

 Let us all pray for District 1! Jesus is Lord over District 1! To God be the glory.

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