My experience as NORSU KKB chairman (2008-2012) was, without doubt, the most remarkable one. It brought about a great life turnaround for me.
It started all the positive changes for me. It built up a strong foundation useful for life beyond anything I could learn from school and other sources.
Being part of the organization alone was already a blessing. Without a family by my side, I got a bigger one through its members and Ptra. Mardy Manguinimba. They cared, guided, and encouraged me to go beyond who I was - a broken, helpless, low self-esteemed, no direction, and reluctant person - and be a leader. The process wasn’t at all easy, but it turned out really awesome and so worth it.
At first, I thought I would just meet other youths and get the chance to learn drums when my friend invited me. I remembered having a lot of fun. The KKB provided niches for my talents and interests, many of which I just discovered and enhanced through this organization.
The first visit got followed by another and became a weekly thing. I was drawn up, seeing these people talk and do things that really make sense.
This was when I also encountered God, got to know myself more, and understand other people better.
Knowing Him let me experience overwhelming love and joy that gave me a brighter perspective. It brought me unexplainable excitement to life and a drive to share Christ with others. I saw it as the only solution to the various life issues, taking a cue from my experience as someone who came from a very complicated background.
I never thought that that invitation would become the greatest and most important invitation I could ever receive in my life.
Being the NORSU KKB president convinced me that God is not looking at our past and current state but by what He can do to us and through us. I’m thankful for the people He used to see the potentials than the obvious weak version of me.
I remembered KKB excelling in things, from consistently winning the NORSU booth competition even with the smallest budget to being recognized as Top Organization.
KKB was also known to have dynamic youths who were passionate and willing to serve not only in church affairs but also in the community and the Philippines. When there is an opportunity to serve and proclaim Jesus, the team would actively march out to do it. Whooo!! This flashback stirs up that KKB spirit in me, and it has always been a great experience and feeling to remember and share.
I saw KKB lived out its mission, seriously inspiring and teaching the youth to live for Christ and the country.
I saw young people, including me, being transformed through the group to live better or even best lives and help others achieve it, too.
Until now, its energy is not dying down but instead getting better at conquering campuses, cities, and towns.
It was indeed the most radical and productive years of my life.
Thank you so much, KKB Dumaguete! I am forever grateful for being part of the family.
When ka mubalik sa Duma te?